So you need an amazing
creative partner?

We partner with agencies, brands and startups and offer fixed fee pricing versus traditional hourly billing. We take into consideration the schedule and scope in addition to the experience and expertise of resourced staff when composing project budgets and deliverables. While specific project based work is regulated by schedule and budget we believe that the best solutions and optimal value of our time and experience on your behalf comes when we are watching the problem solving through process not the clock.

You can come to us with a specific budget or budget range in mind but our assessment of whether to engage in a working relationship will be more based on the opportunity, the cultural and values fit and than finally the economics and schedule.

How we can work together

Workshops and Consultations

Fixed single fee, limited time occurrence

Clients invite us to come speak and lecture, give talks on branding and storytelling, workshops or consultative sessions with specific teams or company-wide on specific subjects. Often times a client partner is exploring a project and the initial engagement is an opportunity to test out the cultural fit and relationship before embarking on a longer term engagement either project based or retainer based.


Fixed single fee, one time occurrence

Clients interested in project based assignments will provide details on the opportunity, proposed timeline and initial budget range and desired outcomes through an initial brief and requirements documentation. We will scope for our fees, scheduling and determine final deliverables for an agreement.


Fixed monthly fee, 3-6-9-12 month terms

Longer term projects such as new branding assignments, rebrands or immersive scope of work with multiple deliverables often take shape as a retainer project agreement to balance scheduling and budget over an extended amount of time. In these cases we provide a fee and resource structure for a monthly retainer agreement.

Marketing is no longer about the stuff that
you make, but about the stories you tell.
Seth Godin

Lou is an astonishingly passionate brand and creative director who elevates the design and function of everything he touches. Creativity is in his DNA, alongside leadership, logistics, and an artful eye for details and opportunities. His team spirit and willingness to mentor myself and our colleagues was refreshing, setting individuals up for success, as well as our business and clients. It’s rare to meet such a talented creative in general, but to work with someone like Lou who is optimistic, enthusiastic, and loves to win as a team is really an incredible gift. I will be actively seeking out chances to work with Lou again, and congratulate anyone who has the opportunity
to do so themselves.
Client Partner and Head of Communications at Health and Wellness Startup